Week 3 — Art Activity — Drawing
I would say this experience was frustrating but to an extent. I love drawing and getting better at it, so drawing and sketching things or people I never have before lets me sharpen my skills. I would try again, but it’s not something I would dedicate time to. The results might have come out better if I had practice for 1,000 hours, but realistically it just depends. I have never drawn a person before, so that sketch probably looks like a hot mess 😭.
My major would be Nursing, so I don’t think drawing would ever come in handy, but it’s a fun hobby that I would probably continue. Drawing does have its own language. When we draw flowing leaves or cascading mountains, they just portray newfound feelings that’s you can’t put into words. When I see leaves flying in the wind, it can make me feel free, or loose, and also present. Words can say those things, but it does not share the same effect.